
Тест: An informal email: Introduce yourself

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Въпросите, които ще видиш в теста:

How do you communicate with a penpal?
Why would someone write to a penpal?
A letter to a penpal is always formal.
What is another word for skinny?
What does it mean when a woman is in her 20s?
What describes an adventurous person?
What describes a cautious person?
  • This is what you know about James:
  • Hi, I'm James and I'm a student. I am never late to class. My professors are happy that I'm on time every day.
  • What word best describes James?
  • This is what you know about Martha:
  • Hi, I'm Martha and I'm a waitress. I am always kind and respectful to our customers.
  • What word best describes Martha?
Why do we use paragraphs in a letter or email?
What might make someone think you are unreliable?
What can you describe when you introduce yourself to a penpal?
Read and match.
What are examples of polite sentences to start a letter or email?
Fill in the missing words.

Описание на теста

  • Online practice test for writing informal email in English for A2 level, Pre-intermediate. How do you present yourself in English? How do you talk about your character, your interests? What vocabulary do you need? Start the test and see how much you know about writing an informal email in English.
  • Практически онлайн тест за писане на неофициален имейл на английски език за ниво А2, Pre-intermediate. Как представяш себе си на английски език? Как говориш за своя характер, за интересеите си? Каква лексика ти трябва? Започни теста и провери колко знаеш за писането на неофициален мейл на английски език.

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