
Тест: An informal mail: Stay in touch

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Въпросите, които ще видиш в теста:

What does it mean to stay in touch with someone?
What does Re: mean in the subject line of an email?
Which greeting is for an informal email to a friend?
Informal greetings can never have exclamation marks.
What can an informal email to a friend be like?
Why do we write a reply to someone's email?
Which verb tense do we use to talk about how we feel in general?
Which verb tense do we use to talk about what we're doing right now?
  • Which verb tenses are in this sentence?
  • When I was jogging in the park, I saw a deer.
  • What order are the verb tenses in these sentences?
  • I'm taking painting classes right now. I like them a lot. Yesterday I tried some different brushes when I was working on my self portrait.
What should an informal email to a friend or family member include?
If the body of an email is long, what do we do?
How should we write an email to keep in touch with a friend?
  • Your friend wrote you this email:
  • Hey!
  • How are you doing? I'm doing well, but I miss you. Last week, I started at my new school. Although my classmates are nice, I don't know them very well yet. The classes are pretty easy so far.
  • How is school for you? Do you like your classes? I hope you're having a great week!
  • Your friend,
  • Max
  • Fill in the missing words from the beginning of your reply email.
  • Your friend wrote you this email:
  • Hey!
  • How are you doing? I'm doing well, but I miss you. Last week, I started at my new school. Although my classmates are nice, I don't know them very well yet. The classes are pretty easy so far.
  • How is school for you? Do you like your classes? I hope you're having a great week!
  • Your friend,
  • Max
  • Fill in the verbs in the correct tenses from the end of your reply email. The base form of the verb is in (parentheses).

Описание на теста

An important online test for writing an informal email in English. What are the parts of an informal letter you should stick to? What are the most commonly used phrases? How do you answer someone's questions from a previous email? Start the test and check your knowledge of writing an informal letter. Важен онлайн тест за писане на неофициален имейл на английски език. Кои са частите на неофициалното писмо, към които трябва да се придържаш? Кои са най-често използваните фрази? Как да отговориш на въпросите на някого от предишен имейл? Започни теста и провери знаията си за писане на неофициално писмо.

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