
Тест: Apostrophes and Quotation marks

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Въпросите, които ще видиш в теста:

What is a contraction?
What is the correct use of an apostrophe in possessives?
What is a correct use of an apostrophe for plural proper nouns that end in -s?
John and Mary own pets together. Which is correct?
Which is correct?
How do we make a singular noun ending in -s possessive?
Which sentences have an indirect quotation?
Which sentence has the correct punctuation for a direct quote?
Which sentence has the correct punctuation for a direct quote that is not at the end of the sentence?
Where do question marks and exclamation points go if they are part of the direct quotation?
What punctuation mark goes before a complete sentence in a direct quotation?
Which sentence is correct?
Which is an example of a correct use of quotation marks?
The missing noun in the sentence is child. Complete the sentence with correct punctuation.
Complete the sentence using the names Matt and Amy with correct punctuation.

Описание на теста

A valuable online test on the use of apostrophes and quotation marks in English for Pre-intermediate, A2 level. Review what you have learned about the use of these important punctuation marks in written communication. Are quotation marks used for direct or indirect quotations? What are the more specific uses of apostrophes? Start the test. Ценен онлайн тест за употребата на апострофи и кавички в английския език за ниво Pre-intermediate, A2. Прегледай наученото за употребата на тези важни препинателни знаци в писмената комуникация. Използват ли се кавички за преки или непреки цитати? Кои са по-особените случаи на употреба на апострофите? Започни теста и провери знанията си.

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