An introductoryparagraph tells the reader what the article is about.
What is true about bodyparagraphs?
Whatkind of paragraph is this?
Halloween is one of the most popular holidays in America. It has a lot traditions and activies that people of all ages enjoy. In this article, I'm going to share some of my favorite Halloween activities.
Whatkind of paragraph is this?
One activity I enjoy is wearing costumes. I can dress up as an animal or movie character. Some people like to dress up as ghosts or monsters.
Fill in the missingword.
One of the ... things about Halloween is the candy.
Fill in the missingword.
They say ... Halloween started from an ancient festival.
Fill in the missing word.
Did you ... that Halloween first came to the US in 1840?
Addditionally, is a good word to use when you addmoreinformation. What is anotherway we can say that?
Fill in the missingword.
Another ... is people love to go to haunted houses.
Fill in the missingword.
Not ... that, they enjoy getting scared!
Fill in the missingword.
Fill in the missingword.
Fill in the missing word.
Описание на теста
An important online test about how to write an article in English for beginners. Review what you know about how to give information about a topic. What kinds of paragraphs do we use? Click to get started.
Важен онлайн тест за това как се пише статия на английски език за ниво A1, Elementary. Как се дава информация по зададена тема? Как информацията се ситематизира? Какви параграфи се използват, за да се изгради текст? Провери знанията си с теста.
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